
Showing posts from December, 2015

Integrating google maps in rails without gmap4rails gem

 To Integrate google maps in rails application without gem 1.) Go to the google maps 2.) Click Get a key 3.) Go to the page where you want to show the google maps and add this tag <script src="' YOURAPIKEY '&region=US" type="text/javascript"></script> 4.) Create a div for map            <div id="map-container" style='width: 360px; height: 400px;'>            <div id="map-canvas"></div>         </div> 5.) Now  what you need is latitude and longitude for the marker to show for that in rails you need to use a gem " Gecoder " ( ) 6.) In your Model here is School   geocoded_by :address   after_validation :geocode   attr_accessor :address, :latitu...

Completely Uninstall and Install Rubymine on ubuntu

To remove RubyMine-8.1 completely from your ubuntu take only three steps: 1.) rm -rf ~/.RubyMine80 2.) rm -rf /home/USERNAME/.gnome/apps/jetbrains-rubymine.desktop 3.) rm -rf /home/USERNAME/.local/share/applications/jetbrains-rubymine.desktop To install RubyMine-8.1 on ubuntu follow these 4 steps: 1.) Download rubymine-8.0.1.tar.gz 2.) Extract it and go to /RubyMIne-8.1/bin 3.) ./ 4.) Now it will open the rubymine now fill up your license and key if not go for evaluation for 30 days.