Upload a file in S3 without any form
Uploading a file in S3 is a normal scenario but all I got is uploading the file using a form but what if I want it to upload it without any form. There are very simple steps to upload a file or object in S3 without any form. def s3_resource @s3 = Aws :: S3 :: Resource .new( region : ENV [ 'aws_region' ]) end def s3_bucket s3_resource @s3 .bucket( ENV [ 'aws_bucket' ]) end def upload_file_to_s3 ( file ) s3_resource file_name = File .basename( file ) obj = @s3 .bucket( ENV [ 'aws_bucket' ]).object( 'certificates/' + file_name ) obj .upload_file( file ) end As you can see these methods The first method s3_resource is just creating a instance of your S3. The second method s3_bucket is initializing your bucket. Now the third one upload_file_to_s3(file) basically uploads your file in S3. In the third method In the first line initiating the s3_resource. In the second line fetching the file_name which can be abc.txt because...