SAML IdP initiated SSO Resources Rails

I have been searching a lot for this to implement SAML IdP initiated SSO in Rails.

Firstly what I found several resources on it for rails they are very few:

1.) ruby-saml  gem is to implement Service Provider in SAML.

2.) saml_idp gem is to implementing SAML IdP using  but this gem does not provide the way to implement IdP initiated SSO it is for SP initiated SSO.

3.) libsaml which provides the core functionality in SAML IdP but found very hard to implement SAML IdP initiated SSO because @benoist the owner of this gem does not documented it properly even all gems provided for SAML doest not have a proper documentatio.

4.) Another gem is saml_tool which actually provides the way to generate metadata and assertion for SAML request and response.

5.) And Yes, there was a great example for saml idp which saml_tools_demo which describes the use of saml_tools gem.

Using Saml_idp and saml_tool gem I finally implemented SAML IdP initiated SSO.

And I have described the way of implementing SAML IdP initiated SSO in Rails in my next blog.


  1. Hey Nitanshu, Thanks for sharing the insights. I am implementing the same for my application and facing the same issues. I am looking for another blog or github link where you have the above functionality implemented. Can we please look into it.


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